More than 10 years "Navigator for Jewelry Trade" is an authoritative MSM and all participants of the Russian jewelry market know and like it. «Navigator» does not only offer the readers qualitative and timely intelligence, it is in continuous communication with jewelry companies, their heads and managers. The projects initiated by «Navigator» are a response to wishes and current needs of all market participants.

a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:307:"Top-100. Best jewelry stores of Russia» is the first Russian project designed, on the one hand, to summarize the unique business experience of the leading jewelry brands. On the other hand, its goal is to give the jewelry customers the overview of the variety of stores and salons represented on the market.";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";}

a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:623:"One of the important work directions of the publishing house "Navigator for Jewelry Trade" is the edition of the professional books of reference devoted to jewelry business and intended for sellers, goods managers and directors of jewelry stores, and also for all interested readers. <br> The following books of reference have already been published and repeatedly republished: «Psychology of jewelry sales», «Precious stones», «Merchandizing of jewelry», «The Book of reference of the pearl seller», «Brilliants: classification, the quality standards», «Management Psychology», «Legislative regulation of jewelry trade».";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";}

The jewelry catalog is a daily updated catalog of jewelry from the leading Russian and foreign suppliers and manufacturers. The catalog is a good opportunity to represent the range of items and novelties "online" for jewelry suppliers. <br> For owners, heads and goods managers it is an opportunity to study the range of items of leading suppliers and manufacturers, to learn about novelties, to compare the prices, materials, conditions.

Jewelry companies - are the fullest daily updated information about the best jewelry companies and Russian stores with a convenient information retrieval system.

Diamond Street is a reading book about people and the companies making glory and the future of the Russian jewelry art. The newest collections of the best jewelry companies are presented in the Almanac which allows ranging eyes round the world jewelry art since ancient times to the present day. The interesting stories about jewelry, decorative and applied meetings of leading world museums, history of the well-known Jewelry Houses, and also history of the unique jewelry stones wait for you.